Wellbeing Wednesday Holiday Club

Collecting eggs as a team, before boxing them up to sell at the gate.

Collecting eggs as a team, before boxing them up to sell at the gate.


A holiday club with a difference: on a farm and all for your wellbeing (which is already within you!).

The club is for young people (aged 7-16) and will be on each Wednesday in Cornish school holidays. We start at 11:00am and finish at 5:00pm.

The activities on offer will include: being in nature and outdoors; spending time with animals and getting involved in some farm jobs; art and craft activities; cooking; enjoying lunch together as a group; and anything else that takes our fancy when we’re together as a group.

The group can either be formed of individuals (so you can come on your own) or you can get your friends together and come as a group. The group size will be 6-8 people.



£45 per person, includes all activities and nutritious lunch.

Victoria Otter